A late night post before bed

Hi All! Here i am being up on the computer late at night. Bored of playing Farmville, and having my computer crash every 2 seconds. I need to install the new computer soon, but i guess this will have to do for now. Technology is too fast, and too addictive! LOL

I am off this week until Sunday. Happy but a bit bored. It is almost like i'm rebelling, playing games, sleeping in, dishes in the sink, clutter on my desk & sofas. This will not last I PROMISE! LOL

I feel i am trying to rediscover myself & where i'm going with my free time when i get these "mini-holidays." Then sometimes i stress about work. Change is hard i know.

Funny thing in my life too. When a tele-marketer keeps dialing my number & i answer so i can ask them to put me on the DO NOT CALL LIST, I can hardly wait to deal with it & move on to the next task.

Empathy for instance is a hard skill to learn.  I know i lack empathy too sometimes. Serving people is very important.

I know life is hard. For all of us i know. To listen when we're tired is very hard. Chocolate helps! I made brownies tonight! Icing sugar sweetens it up, too much sugar in my diet already! Sans icing!

Change is not easy, but we can all do it one gentle step at a time. Sometimes i feel or rather know, in my recovery, church groups, etc, i need them more than once a week. We all do. I often feel no matter where i am, it is a competition for the conversation. Everyone wants a piece of cake, pie, to be heard.

Timing is hard. Let us put God first/Higher power, etc. We don't have to be perfect. I know i don't have to make morning mass every morning i'm not working, but my recovery i have to work every day.

Co-Dependency is very hard to heal. As i said chocolate helps! LOL Creativity, a smile, and the courage to step outside ourselves & be less selfish.

You know how i said we all want a piece of pie, cake, our chance to share? Let's think about something:

What about the shy person who has no social skills?

What about the person who wants to talk but lacks the skills?

What about the kids with autism that are bullied, or encouraged to be quiet?

What about the women in other countries where one wrong comment can lead to punishment or execution?

What about giving a voice to the voiceless?

Let's speak up for others, animals & nature.  For health & healing & a unity among all faith backgrounds & cultures. Especially at this time of year, as we prepare for a very cold winter in Vancouver.

Let's help the homeless. Let's speak up about child pornography, violence in our communities, and kids on the street (Covenant House is a great organization!). Let's help get kids off the street who are vulnerable to trafficking. The Body Shop has a great campaign to help end human trafficking.

Let's listen to each other. Sure take a piece of pie, but give voice to the voiceless too. They are just like us, we just need to listen.