Brownie dreams (finding your little child within)

I am going through emails & came across this little story i wrote about 6 months ago! Entertaining & cute!  Go forward & find your inner little girl & childhood wonders.

In all the seriousness of life, it's fun to play sometimes.........



Long ago there was a little child.  A little girl well on her way to growing up & growing older, as the years went by.  She was bored and discouraged.  It seemed she had lost her childlike ways and was becoming too adult-like.

How do I find my childhood heart again she asked?  How can I dream the dreams I’ve always dreamed?  I’m not ready to be older yet.  What should I do?

The day was mildly sunny, cooler than most summer days.  The sky was bright but she was bored.  Hmm, what can I do today to explore she asked?

She puttered around her home, cleaning her room, making her bed, carefully resting her favorite teddy bear on top of the sheets.  She went and sat on her bed and started to think.

Hmm, I used to be a brownie.  I loved the childhood stories I read as a little girl.  Maybe I should go into the woods and explore.  It’s almost like nature is talking to me out there, saying come and explore, come and see me for a visit.

So quickly before wasting anymore time, Lily set off to go find a nice area to explore.  She packed her lunch of a peanut butter & strawberry jam sandwich, apple, and chocolate snack.  She grabbed her bottle of water and set out for a little trek.

Walking out of her home, she set towards an area of trees.  Hmm, I don’t believe in magic, and I don’t want any silliness, Lily said.  I certainly don’t want to be likeAlicein Wonderland, and fall down a hole.  But I am looking for fun.  I don’t want to get lost for days, I simply want to be happy again and explore.

Lily set into the wooded area, and walked around.  She saw many trees, dandelions, and small sticks and stones on the ground.  As she walked further, paths started to unfold and the mystery of the woods began to settle in and sing to her soul.

Lily soon came to an open space where many flowers were, and lots of open space and grass.  She decided this would be a lovely spot to eat her lunch, so she laid down her blanket and began to eat.  Soon she saw a lovely white rabbit appear.  No!  I’m notAlice, Lily said, I am NOT chasing this rabbit!

It was okay though, as Lily saw other animals around but not too many.  She was certainly not in a Disney movie either.  Lily chuckled to herself at the silliness of it all, and finished her lunch, and continued to walk around.

Now as Lily was walking she soon saw some little flags in the ground.  Very small, really.  She wondered why they were there.  Hmm.  Sooner down the trail, she saw another, and a little package lying there.  She was tempted to open it, but went on.  I don’t want any tricks she said!  Maybe it’s a silly fairy trying to trick me!  I don’t believe in voodoo!

So Lily continued to walk and as she was walking she heard noises and laughing.  She was kind of scared to move forward, not knowing what was going on.  So much for my quiet soulful walk she thought.  As she carefully moved forward, she saw many children and a few adults all dressed in Brownie uniforms!

Some were dancing with fairy wands, some angel wings.  Many were running around with small maps, finding little brightly wrapped packages like the one Lily just saw!  But they hadn’t found the package Lily saw yet.  The children were opening little gifts of crafts, a treat, a little Brownie book, or cute story.  Lily became very sad as she wasn’t included, and went to go sit under a tree nearby.

Soon, as Lily was looking off into the sunset, and wishing she could disappear, some of the children came over.  Hello, they cried!  Hi, Lily said hestitantly, are you Brownies?

Yes, they replied, but we saw you and you look sad.  What is wrong?

Oh, my name is Lily, and I’m bored.  I’m growing up too fast, and realized I had to come out and have some fun.  You all sure look like you’re having a lot of fun!

Yes, we certainly are, said Sarah, one of the Brownies.  Come join us, and we’re still looking for one last treasure, somewhere behind us in the woods.  We can’t find it.

Oh, said Lily, I found something behind me not too far back.  Maybe this is the treasure.  The girls went back and sure enough it was the package Lily had found and did not open.  Yes, this is the spot Lily said.  I thought a silly fairy had left this package, so I left it there, as I do not trust things I don’t know.  Well Lily, Sarah said, I’m sure this is okay.  It’s part of our treasure hunt.  Since you found it first, you may have it.

Wow, said Lily, I can’t wait to open it.  Sure enough when Lily opened it, it told the story of how to find your lost inner brownie.  Lily was so happy, and although she didn’t join the Brownies, as she was getting older!, she continued to remember who she always was as a child, and kept having fun.